Tuesday, August 2, 2011

An Introduction to What I Will Be Doing

     Okay, I am going to attempt to tell everyone my adventures (if I have any, that is.  If not then this whole thing is going to be a waste of time) with my horse that I recently bought.  I will be taking pictures with my awesome camera that I have, so you guys know that I'm not faking this whole thing :P
     The picture above is almost the whole herd, there's just one missing.  Let's see if I can figure out which horse is which...  Starting on the far left is Montanna, my horse, then there is either Rosie or Billy standing next to her (I can't tell the difference from here).  The next one is Daisy, the light brown one, and the horse nearest to the bottom of the picture is probably Gas Tank.  Montanna's name used to be Princess, but once I bought her I changed it to Montanna Sun.  You'll also be told that when I do her profile, as I will be doing every horse's profile.  Well, at least as much information I know about them. 
    I feel like I need to fill up space here, but I don't know what to say.  Happens pretty often.  I have this whole cool thing that I'm going to type up, but when I actually get to do it, I can't remember what I was going to say!  Ugh.  Well, I guess this is goodbye for now until I get the pictures I need to make more posts.